Kwak 25.4oz

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Kwak 25.4oz


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0 Reviews

Appearance: Pours a deep brownish amber orange with lots of bubbles. About three fingers of off white head that slowly fade into a thin layer. Decent amount of lacing on the glass. Smell: A pretty swe


Appearance: Pours a deep brownish amber orange with lots of bubbles. About three fingers of off white head that slowly fade into a thin layer. Decent amount of lacing on the glass.

Smell: A pretty sweet smell. Caramel malts and toffee with Belgian yeast and some clove. Dark fruits with hints of raisins, plum, and figs. Candied sugar and some hints of citrus like you would find in a summer beer. Hops aren't really noticeable. Very malty and biscuity.

Taste: Like the smell, a sweet malt forward Belgian ale. Big taste of caramel malts and toffee with some Belgian yeast, cloves, and candied sugar. Dark fruits with notes of plums, raisins, and figs. Also some hints of citrus and banana. Hops are very subtle. Malty like an American lager but with a Belgian twist.

Mouthfeel: Medium to full bodied with a moderate level of carbonation. Somewhat prickly, syrupy, and slick. Alcohol is hidden well.

Overall: A pretty good Belgian ale. Robust malt presence with enough spice to keep it from becoming cloying. Fruits are good.

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  4250 Alafaya Trail Suite 220,
Orlando, FL 32817, USA
W -81° 12.46392" N 28° 36.29094"



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